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What? Another new product??

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We are pleased to bring you a couple more things to add to your collection! A lot of you have asked me at markets if I sell the bamboo display racks that I have on the tables holding all of my palettes and that got me thinking...why not? So I am happy to now offer our Bamboo Palette Racks!
This rack can be a chic way of displaying and organizing your palettes or as a perfect drying rack. If you are like me, things in my workspace can get a bit messy, so these racks will definitely help keep your space a bit cleaner ;)
Bamboo is such a great material for this item. It is very durable and much more sustainable that a lot of other materials out there right now. 

We will also be selling sets of 4 Rubber Pottery Feet. These are a great way to protect, not only the surfaces in your home, but the pieces themselves. This was another idea inspired from customer feedback. So thank you!
These feet are perfect for stabilizing a palette, especially if you have a slippery work surface. They work really well on our platters and other homeware products too! Just an extra layer of stability for your tables, specifically for ones that have a slippery glass top. 
They my be small, but can make a big difference without being overly conspicuous. The finishing touch you may not have known you needed.

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